Friday, April 16, 2010

Gotta love Fridays

So, something I can really only say every other week. In my life as a retail manager, I only get every other weekend off. This weekend is that weekend though. Looking forward to getting out tomorrow and taking some pictures. Just have to decide whether to go somewhere new, or try again at one of my normal haunts.

As for today's pictures, the first is a flower from a potato tree vine. It grows on the trellis surrounding the patio at my apartment building. I call this photograph "Peek-a-boo." The second I took while sitting in my car waiting to go into work. Not sure what kind of tree it is, but thought it looked great. While the colors didn't turn out quite as I had hoped, it was still a successful shot. Would like to show it on a grander scale as you can see the texture of the leaves quite a bit better, but we don't always get what we want.

Once again, hope you enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. That second one looks like a fabric design or a Japanese painting. Love the balance of branch and sky.
