Sunday, September 19, 2010

found one!

So, my computer is in the shop. On first inspection, the computer guys thinks my motherboard might be fried. No bueno...that'd be at least $200. On the bright side, he said it's very unlikely that my photographs and other information on the hard drive are lost. As long as I get my pictures back, I'm happy. Even if I had to get a new computer, I'd be ok as long as I got those photos.

Today's photograph is brought to you by the wonder of flikr. I have an account that I rarely use, but was able to grab a picture off of it that I never posted here. So, you get a photo today even though I don't have my computer back!! If you want to check out the other photographs I have up over there, here's the link:

Well, hope everyone had a lovely weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Love the point of view from which you shot this. We are sending healing energy to your computer! love,m
