Friday, July 9, 2010

small details

Something that I've noticed about a lot of my photographs is that I try to find things that other people don't see. I try to see something amazing in something ordinary. In college, I majored in Language Studies. I got really into my linguistics classes because it amazed me how something we think is so simple, something we don't even give a second though to (speaking) is really very very complicated and amazing. Both of these photographs signify that to me. They're both images of things that nobody really pays attention to.

In the first one, it's the roots of the plant: not the plant itself. In fact, you can't even see the plant in this photograph...just the roots. In case anyone is super curious, this happens to be a spider plant. Noah took a clipping from a plant in stuck it in a jar with water. It's thrived and is beautiful and had to be moved to a bigger pot.

The second is dirt on a terra cotta pot. The succulent is out of focus and in the background. It's the bit of soil on the lip of the pot that is the subject of this photograph.

I really love how both of these turned out. I usually do love the photographs that I take where it opens my eyes to something new that I never necessarily noticed before. Hope you enjoyed them as well.


  1. I also just noticed the chip in pot. See? It's amazing the things you'll find when you stop and really look at something.

  2. Your eye for the smallest detail is one of the things that makes your photos so amazing. Anyone can take a picture of a potted plant - OK, nice,- but your picture is unique, as are you!
