Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Lazy day off

Today was spent doing pretty much nothing at all. It was a day of laziness. I planted some strawberries this morning (with Noah's help) but that's about it. I'm really looking forward to having some fresh strawberries this summer. Noah got a couple tomato plants awhile back that are starting to go crazy. While the plants themselves are very cool looking, I hate tomatoes. I can't help it. Never have liked them and never will. So, when we found the strawberry plants this morning and Noah suggested getting them, I was all for it. I don't have a green thumb at all, but Noah is like a plant whisperer, so I know that they should survive at least one season. Can't wait for some strawberry shortcake. Mmmm...

Here are a couple more shots from last weekend. Hope you enjoy:


  1. ll the weekend shots are wonderful! The one of Noah thru the leaves looks like an ad for an expensive men's cologne. He IS very photogenic.

  2. Love these Jenny:)
