Tuesday, August 17, 2010

smells good in here

My best friend, Anna, just quit smoking 4 days ago!!! I'm very proud of her, so I'm making her brownies. My apartment is filling with that yummy chocolaty smell that comes along with freshly baked brownies. Mmmmm...they're going to be delicious.

But I digress. This is a photography blog, you're saying. You should be talking about photography...not brownies. Well, fine! Aperture, shutter speed, depth of field, composition, focal length, other camera/photography terms. Here are your photographs for the day. Enjoy...but I know you won't enjoy them as much as Anna and I will enjoy the brownies.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm... chocolate brownies and fresh strawberries all in one post! I know there would have been a picture of the brownies but they probably got eaten up too quickly!!!
    And go Anna, I'm sure your example Jenny, has been an inspiration.
