Friday, May 18, 2012

My bad

I know, I know, I've been gone for a loooong time.  I don't really even have a good excuse.  Life's been, well, stressful lately.  So certain things (like blogging) got put on the back burner.  Other things have been going on though.  I started an Etsy site for Jenny B's Photography.  You should definitely check it out!  Hopefully you'll see something you like.  I'll be adding more photographs on there soon.  If you have a favorite that you'd love to see for sale, send me an e-mail and I'll add it on there.  I also started a facebook page devoted to my photography.  So, if you have a facebook account, I would love it if you would "like" me!  I promise I will try my darnedest to actually post more.  Thanks for being patient with me!


  1. Glad to see you back!


  2. How cool - ETSY! And yes, glad to see you back - isn't it annoying how life gets in the way sometimes?!
