Monday, July 5, 2010

something's different

So, you may have noticed that there haven't been many "new" pictures in the last couple of weeks. They've been mostly from previous photo excursions, or just not the quality I wish they were. So, what's been going on? Well, I haven't been saying anything because I wasn't sure if I could actually do it. But today was day number 14, week number two. Of what? Of not smoking. I quit. So, I have been kind of preoccupied, and cranky, and not feeling like going out taking a lot of pictures. I'm starting to feel better now though...more like myself. So, I'm going to try to get myself out and take more pictures. These two were both taken today. I made a Trader Joe's run and here are a couple of my purchases.


  1. Go Jenny!! I'm so proud of you!

  2. Congratulations!! That's fantastic sweetheart. I know it's not easy. As your sister says "Go you!"

  3. You go girl!! I quit when I was in my early 20's, I know how hard it is to accomplish. just keep hanging in there!

    Aunt Becky

  4. LOVE the dog picture from yesterday, the fern from the day before, and most of all, love that you are stopping smoking! Wow,good for you. I know you'll succeed! You are an amazing young woman.
