Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I don't know

It's taking all my energy right now to post anything. I'm just not feeling it. This has been probably one of the worst not smoking days so far. I don't understand how I can be so strong and so weak at the same time. I can feel so good about myself and still hate myself. Here's hoping tomorrow is easier.


  1. Hang in there, girl!

    Aunt Becky

  2. Becky said what I was going to - Hang in there!
    It will get better, we're all behind you 150% and love you very much. Gorgeous pictures BTW.

  3. Your feeling strong one day and week the next is not about you, it's about the nature of addiction. Trust that your body is letting go of its biochemical need for nicotine -- some days gracefully, and some days not -- and know that you will make it through this time. Please try not to hate yourself. You are a terrific person!
