Ok, so these photos are not good quality or artistic at all...but they are hilarious. I found this elf hat at work and thought it would be funny to get it on Loki (even if it would only be for about 5 seconds). He's been waking us up at 6:30 every morning since the time change thinking that he's starving. Even after we feed him, he decides that we should really be up paying attention to him so he'll sit in front of the bedroom door and meow loudly until we get up (even if it takes hours). This was his punishment. I want to make a statement that I don't normally dress up my cat and I think that costumes on cats are completely ridiculous! But, as I said, this is his punishment for waking my ass up early on my days off. Jenny 1 Loki 1,000,000,000,000...I'm catching up!