This first one was just outside her house. It was the biggest dandelion I have ever seen. As I was taking it, I said to Anna, "God, I love macro." I really do. You've probably figured this out by now from all the photographs I've posted. Flowers just always look good up close. They always amaze me. They're so intricate once you look really closely at them.
This next one was one of those moments when you really appreciate the zoom on a digital point and shoot. Even once I get my fancy camera, it'll be my point and shoot that I keep in my purse at all times. Carrying around a big camera with a big zoom lens in my purse just won't be practical. This was a doorway on a building that was pretty far away. It was also not one of those buildings where I would want to walk right up and take a close up picture. It was a moment when the zoom came in very very handy. I love how it turned out. The lines of the handrail cutting through the shot really make it for me. It perfectly shows what caught my eye as I was walking by. Lucky shot.
Well, time to enjoy the rest of my day off. I have three more of them coming up, so I'll try to keep shooting more stuff and show you a bit of my life. Enjoy.
love love love both of these. Amazing detail you captured, lady! Next walk we take I WILL have my camera with me:)