Green just always seems like a good color for Wednesday. I'm not sure why I associate Wednesday with green, I just do. Going to have a lovely dinner at my moms' tonight and will be spending the next two days proofreading my stepmom and friend's new book. I can't wait! Aren't you just green with envy?
These are two jellies that got tangles up in one another. Looks painful. What you can't see in this picture are all the other jellies that were in that same tank staying very very far away from these two.
Ok, while super 8 movie cameras are pretty much awesomeness, I don't necessarily want one. However, this ad cracked me up and I thought you might enjoy it as well. Make sure to click on the picture for a larger version.
Yesterday, in honor of World Photography Day, I went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium to take pictures. So, definitely expect to see some fishy photographs over the next week or so. Hope you enjoy them!
Just got done taking my first spin class. Seeing as I'm getting older (I do wear glasses now), I decided that joining a gym might not be such a bad idea. In the shopping center where I work, there is a women's only gym (definite plus) that gives an amazing deal to anyone who works in the center. So, I signed up a few days ago and took my first spin class today. I can already tell that I'm going to feel it tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be alive enough to post a picture for you.
This really has nothing to do with photography. I came home a week or so ago from work and this was parked on the street in front of my apartment...and I thought it was amazing!!!!! It was fun people watching that day. Everyone who walked or rode by on their bike would stop for a good 5 minutes to stare at this sparkly pink vehicle. It put a smile on my face, that's for sure.
My friend Destiny sent me this link the other day. This is the smallest working SLR camera! Although, knowing my tendency to lose things, having a camera that is less than 3 inches might be a bad idea for me. Still, it is rather drool inducing.
Yesterday was an absolutely lovely day. It started with breakfast at Bon Temps Creole Cafe (if you live in the SLO area, you have to eat here!). Then, Noah and I went on a lovely bike ride to the beach where we walked along the water and froze our toes. Then I took pictures of spiders that are taking over behind the apartment building. A tip when taking pictures of spiders: don't wear flip flops, you'll feel like you have spiders climbing up your pants the rest of the day. I'm trying to decide whether to post said pictures of spiders or wait until closer to Halloween. Guess you'll just have to wait and see. You do get a picture of one of the webs though! Enjoy!
After 9 straight days, over 5 hours of overtime (on top of all the regular time), I will finally have a day off tomorrow! I'm going to sleep in and not go anywhere near Michaels!
I work retail for 45 hours a week. So to escape the chaos that is customer service, I take pictures that will calm me. I try to find something amazing in something common. I try to see what no one else will see.